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Plugins / EditorConfig Checker

EditorConfig Checker

by Woodpecker Authors

A tool to verify that your files follow the editorconfig rules.


This plugin allows you to check if your files respect editorconfig rules within your Woodpecker CI pipeline.

Simple Example

    image: woodpeckerci/plugin-editorconfig-checker

Advanced Example

    image: woodpeckerci/plugin-editorconfig-checker
      verbose: true
      only_changed: true
      disable_indent_size: true
      ignore_default_excludes: true


Settings Name Default Description
config none Path to config file
verbose false Enable verbose output
output_file none Captures output and writes into given file
only_changed false Additionally writes output into file
disable_indent_size false Disable checking indent size
disable_indentation false Disable checking indentation
disable_end_of_line false Disable checking end of line
disable_trim_trailing_whitespace false Disable checking trailing whitespace
disable_insert_final_newline false Disable checking final newline
ignore_default_excludes false Ignore default excludes

Default Excludes

When ignore_default_excludes is set to false (default), the plugin will ignore the following patterns:

  • Version control folders (.git/, .hg/, .svn/)
  • Binary files
  • Minified files
  • Node modules (node_modules/)
  • Vendor directories (vendor/)
  • Generated files


  • The plugin requires a valid .editorconfig file in your repository
  • When only_changed is set to true, the plugin will only check files that were modified in the current commit or pull request using Woodpecker's built-in environment variable